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Staff Directory

Contact our staff using the phone numbers and emails below.

Lone Star Materials’ knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you.

For specific questions or to contact a certain person at Lone Star Materials, use these phone numbers and emails:

Dustin Noles, General Manager

Ted Clements, Sales Manager - (512) 921-9832 or

Rick Mannella, Assistant General Manager - (512) 921-0587 or

Kirk Folsom, Operations Manager - (512) 921-9835 or

Kenneth “Kenny” Brady, Safety Manager

Mark Merlino, Inventory/Billing

Ted Liveris, Accountant / Human Resources

Lori J. Drake, CBA, Credit Manager

Danny Miller, Outside Sales - (512) 796-2970 or

Ronnie Frazier, Outside Sales - (512) 921-9834 or

Elizabeth “Lisa” Sanchez, Counter Sales